The files... "Vid Vintergatans slut" 2010

Proud moments; some of my models from a Swedish TV Series.
This ship is supposed to be built from wood, and in parts grown to shape. All plastic padding and paint in reality.
This is the bad guys' ship. My instructions from the art director: "Think east German coal plant, ca 1962"

The main characters' ship under construction. Balsa, Plastic sheet and stuff from the leftovers boxes.

The engines for the main characters' ship; toilet rolls, deodorant covers and stuff from the leftover boxes.
Details of the bad guys' ship

Early stages of sculpting the "wooden" ship. FEM FEM!!!

The beginnings of the bad guys' craft.

Very early stage of the main characters' craft

Painting in progress on the "wooden" ship. All acrylics, hand painted and with airbrush.

1 kommentar:

  1. Hello, I'm a hug Vintergatan Fan and is right now English Subbing the Two Seasons that came before this one. Seeing pictures like this makes me appriciate this Mini-Series Even more.

    I have a question: Who was it making the models and how did Petter Bragée or any Producer from SVT found you? You're models are very amazing. It really created the illusions that the ship was there at the Tv Screen in real hug models
